Ant Spray Recipe (Peppermint Spray)

Ant Problems? No problem.

Rainy season is here and I have noticed that there is a group of pesky ants around. My husband will automatically get his Baygon insect spray to kill those ants. I hated the smell of Baygon. When I sniff those synthetic chemicals it automatically gives me a headache!

I told my husband that I will make a natural ant spray repellant. He is skeptical that it might work. So I did make an ant repellant. I tried it on a cluster of ants. See what it did? They died! An insect repellant without that bad smelling and headache causing side effects.

Look at those tiny little ants. They died in an instant.

The recipe is very simple.

I just mixed 18 drops of Peppermint oil in a 30 ml bottle of mineral or distilled water. Since oils and water do not mix, you have to shake it well to disperse al the oils. Voila! Look what it did!

You can start making your own now.

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